UPGRADING 10.1 to 10.2 (same procedure for upgrading from all version to higher)
old ORACLE HOME = 'c:\oracle\product\10.1.0\db_1
old db Name =test
1. run a preupgrade check through following command
2. create a pfile from spfile
3. alter database backup controlfile to trace .
4. take a backup of last generated trace file which contains information
about controlfiles located under udump
3. take a cold backup including password file,pfile,udump trace file.
INSTALLING 10.2 Software
1. install the oracle 10.2 software in a diffent oracle home location
2. create the same folder stuctures as per init parameters & udump trace files
3. copy the init file,controlfiles,datafiles,password files to a proper
locations under 10.2 home installed.
4. change the location of controlfile,version & dump location in initsid.ora
[note: uninstall the old software 10.1 & all services (If that is unix no need)]
Upgrading the databases
1. set ORACLE_SID=test
2.oradim -new -sid test
3. startup nomount pfile='E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\db_1\dbs\inittest.ora';
4. create spfile from pfile;
5. alter database mount;
6. change the locations of all datafiles,redolog files under mount stage;(as mentioned below)
alter database rename file 'C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.1.0\ORADATA\TEST\SYSTEM01.DBF' to 'E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\TEST\SYSTEM01.DBF' ;
alter database rename file 'C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.1.0\ORADATA\TEST\SYSAUX01.DBF' to 'E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\TEST\SYSAUX01.DBF' ;
alter database rename file 'C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.1.0\ORADATA\TEST\USERS01.DBF' to 'E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\TEST\USERS01.DBF' ;
alter database rename file 'C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.1.0\ORADATA\TEST\RMAN01.DBF' to 'E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\TEST\RMAN01.DBF' ;
alter database rename file 'C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.1.0\ORADATA\TEST\SYSAUX02.DBF' to 'E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\TEST\SYSAUX02.DBF' ;
alter database rename file 'C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.1.0\ORADATA\TEST\SAKTHI01.DBF' to 'E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\TEST\SAKTHI01.DBF' ;
9. shu immediate
10. startup upgrade
11. sql> @?\rdbms\admin\catupgrd.sql
12. sql> @?\rdbms\admin\utlrp.sql
open the link for repair damaged pdf file download, if you’d like to get more information about other ways to process corrupted documents