Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Disk Partition LVM (RHEL4)




df -h

For Groups:

vgdisplay (dispalay the current volume group details)
vgs (direct size,free)

For individual volumes:

lvdisplay (separate view ,not group)
lvs (direct size,free)

physical volume:

pvdisplay (physical volume)


cat /etc/mtab (mount point details)
cat /etc/fstab (filesystem details)


extending a logical Volume

lvextend -L +15G path


+15G --> it will add 15 gb in a existing volume.
15g it will resize to 15 gb
path --> took from /etc/fstab


resizing a Logical volume

first umount the volume

cat /etc/fstab

umount /ora10gdata

verify with "df -h" command

lventend -L +2G /dev/volgroup/logicalvolume01

Note :

volgroup --> took from /etc/fstab

check through lvs command

e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/volgroup-localvolume01

resize2fs /dev/mapper/volgroup-localvolume01

volgroup-localvolume01 --> took from /etc/matb

mount /ora10gdata


renaming the mount point

take a backup of mtab & fstab


umount the volume "umount /ora10gdata"

create a new directory "mkdir /newfolder01"

mount "mount /newfolder01"


renaming the Volume Group

umount the volume directory

deactivate the volume group

vgchange -a n volgroupname


n --> deactivating

y --> activating

vgrename volgroupoldname newname

vgchange -a y newgroupname

mount the volume

vgscan for finding volumes

then change /etc/fstab also


renaming the logical volume

umount /disk03

lvrename volgroupname oldlogicalvolumename newname

vi /etc/fstab --> change there also

mount /disk03

lvs --> check it


creating a logical volume

lvcreate -L 10G -n logicalvolumename volumegroupname

check through lvs (or) lvdisplay command

mkfs -t ext3 /dev/volumegroupname/logicalvolumename

mkdir disk03

mount /dev/loggroup/logvolume /disk03


reducing the logical volume

umount /disk03

e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/volgroup-localvolume01

resize2fs /dev/volumegroupname/logvolume 5G

lvreduce /dev/volgroup/logvolume -L 5G

mount /disk03


5G --> reduced to this (5G) size


Tested --> Newly installed system

2.5. Removing Physical Volumes

# pvremove /dev/ram15

3.1. Creating Volume Groups

# vgcreate vg1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1

3.2. Adding Physical Volumes to a Volume Group

# vgextend vg1 /dev/sdf1

3.5. Removing Physical Volumes from a Volume Group

# vgreduce my_volume_group /dev/hda1

3.8. Removing Volume Groups

# vgremove officevg


3.9. Splitting a Volume Group

# vgsplit bigvg smallvg /dev/ram15
Volume group "smallvg" successfully split from "bigvg"

3.10. Combining Volume Groups

vgmerge -v databases my_vg


3.12. Renaming a Volume Group

1.umount the volumes
2.Dismount the volgroup by following command

vgchange -a n mygroup01

3.change the name

vgrename /dev/vg02 /dev/my_volume_group (or)
vgrename vg02 my_volume_group

4.activate the volume

vgchange -a y mynewgroup01

5.change in /etc/fstab

6.mount the disks individualy

4.6. Removing Logical Volumes

[root@tng3-1 lvm]# lvremove /dev/testvg/testlv
Do you really want to remove active logical volume "testlv"? [y/n]: y
Logical volume "testlv" successfully removed


New installed system:

Creating physical volume first

[root@delhidata ~]# lvmdiskscan (check the highest GB freespace)
/dev/ramdisk [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/hda [ 74.51 GB]
/dev/dm-0 [ 10.00 GB]
/dev/ram [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/hda1 [ 58.01 GB] LVM physical volume
/dev/dm-1 [ 10.00 GB]
/dev/ram2 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/hda2 [ 15.00 GB]
/dev/ram3 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/hda3 [ 1.00 GB]
/dev/ram4 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/ram5 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/hda5 [ 502.00 MB]
/dev/ram6 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/ram7 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/ram8 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/ram9 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/ram10 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/ram11 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/ram12 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/ram13 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/ram14 [ 16.00 MB]
/dev/ram15 [ 16.00 MB]
3 disks
19 partitions
0 LVM physical volume whole disks
1 LVM physical volume

[root@tng3-1 ]#pvcreate /dev/hda1

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdi bs=512 count=1

Creating new Volume Group :

[root@tng3-1 ]#vgcreate vg1(any name) /dev/hda

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